10 Platforms of Courses to Help You to Upskill Yourself
We've collated together the 10 best free platforms where you can access leading courses, to help upskill yourself. Guest-written by Letícia Miranda.

Continual development and knowledge-expansion are essential to professionals who wish to remain at the forefront of their industries and organisations. Investing in training will not only help you to ensure you stay where you need to be but bring additional opportunities to learning new strategies and market trends. The working world, in all industries, is constantly changing, and upskilling and requalification allow us to keep up with these vital and significant changes, effectively.
It has never been a more competitive landscape than it is today. Possessing skills, qualities and knowledge that competitors do not will immediately put you at an advantage. Emotional maturity, positioning, academic training, specializations, broad vision and professional experience are just some of the characteristics recruiters and employers will look at in job interviews. Above and beyond this, make sure your skills, and the skills you learn, align with the roles and positions you are going after. Take the time to focus on figuring out exactly what these skills should be and then make a point of setting aside time to invest in developing and honing these skills.
Strengthening your professional network will add additional support and value too. The best way to do this is by beginning to think about how you can proactively help others, regardless of what they may (or may not) be able to offer you. Always go out of your way to consider if anyone else within your network might be a valuable connection for someone else, and quickly you will find that your own network is growing and people are far more willing to take the time to help you too. The wider your professional ‘net’ of connections, the more opportunities, market news and job vacancies you will likely discover.
Finally, to help you to develop and grow even more, here is a collection of fantastic (and free) virtual courses, being offered by several platforms out there, helping us during the Coronavirus Pandemic. Have a look through them and see which ones might help you to upskill and develop your career:
PHILANTROPHY UNIVERSITY is an online learning platform that provides practical training for social impact organisations. The platform offers several courses - and they are all free with a certificate!
CLASS CENTRAL has a seemingly endless number of free online courses, including those delivered from Ivy League universities, and courses cover a wide range of topics, from coding to literature to women’s studies and more.
COURSERA You can partake in hundreds of courses from different companies and educational institutions, including Ivy League universities and art schools, all for free on Coursera. For a small fee, you can get certifications in certain courses as well.
EDX Access 2,500 courses on everything from epidemics (rather timely!) and coding to literature and more. Courses come from 140 institutions and there are courses in several different languages too.
CODING BLOCKS This is a great place to start if you are looking at developing your programming abilities. Coding blocks provide a ‘15+ Hours Free Competitive Programing Course’ and the course covers various algorithms and coding competitions.
ALISON Providing free courses in cloud-based platforms, such as Google, with certifications available, they have more than 2m+ members.
BITDEGREE 50+ Free Tech Online Courses: Includes gamified courses in programming, web development, and blockchain. Requires a very simple sign-up.
ONE WAY JOURNEY Struggling with motivation and positivity? We don’t blame you – it’s a difficult time out there. Why not consider taking a free happiness course from One Way Journey?
VITAL TRANSFORMATION Eliyahu Jian, who’s worked with the likes of Gisele Bundchen, Ashton Kutcher and more, is offering a free online platform called Vital Transformation, aimed at helping individuals learn to improve self-awareness.
THE ORGANIZING FORMULA Feel like there are several aspects of your life in a mess? The Organizing Formula is a free course on how to get your stuff together and is available in both English and Spanish from Courses by Caroline!
So there you have it - a few free courses and educational platforms you should try! Remember, if you’re looking for self development, finding a mentor can add further value to career progression. Join PushFar’s global mentoring platform free today. Click here to sign up.
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