Five Strategies to Improve Employee Retention, Quickly!
We look at the importance of employee retention and explore five, easily-implementable and effective ways in which you can help retain your employees and ensure success.

Employee retention rates are one of just a small handful of key indicators of employee satisfaction, employee engagement, management quality and ultimately HR effectiveness. If you have a high turnover of staff, it can be a big concern, and rightly so. But what can you do as a company director, department head or HR manager, to improve your company’s employee retention? We’ve collated together five top strategies that you can implement to help.
1. Open Channels of Communication
Ensuring your employees have easy and effective means of communication with those in charge is the first thing you should make sure you have. It’s a simple one but we often overlook the simplest solutions, so make sure you haven’t! We’re not talking about encouraging employees to send their managers emails (we hope that that’s already the case). What we mean by opening channels of communication goes above and beyond. It’s about ensuring you have employee surveys and anonymous feedback forms. Anonymity might seem counter-intuitive, but you are suddenly empowering your employees to provide you with honest feedback. And when people feel like they are being heard, that gives them a sense of belonging, ownership, rights and value.
2. Conduct Regular Check-Up Meetings
As a manager, you should know how your team are feeling. You should know what frustrates them, how they are getting on with their workload, when they feel stressed and when they are feeling satisfied. If you don’t know this, you’re not doing your job as a manager. One of the easiest and most effective ways to find out all these things is to schedule in bi-weekly or monthly one-to-one meetings with your team. Make sure you allow them the space to speak, openly and honestly. Transparency is key here.
3. Give Everyone Mentoring
Mentoring is one of the quickest ways to further communication, employee satisfaction and career progression. And every single person in your organisation should be being mentored, mentoring someone else or preferably doing both! Mentoring doesn’t have to take a lot of time or resource to arrange. In fact, PushFar’s platform is designed to cut this down to a minimum and allow HR directors, company owners and managers to measure effectiveness of it quickly and easily. Mentoring can be incredible at helping individuals feel supported, valued and empowered to succeed. Whether an employee is being mentored or mentoring someone else, both sides of the relationship can unlock a wealth of advantages. Click here to contact us and find out how PushFar can help you with mentoring, today.
4. Be Flexible
Flexibility is incredibly valuable to an employee. We all value a manager or company that allows us to do things ‘our way’ and in an increasingly hectic world, having flexibility is vital. A company that understands it needs to be flexible will see employees wanting to stay for the huge benefit that flexibility provides. Whether you offer flexibility in working hours, annual leave, working areas or office space, do as much as you can to give employees what they need.
5. Have a Plan for Every Employee
A company that really values its employees will have a career plan, a progression road map and will ultimately want to see its employees staying with the company for decades. If there is an employee in your team or company and you can’t tell them what they will be doing for you in two, three- or five-years’ time then they are likely to want to leave. Understandably. Most of us like to have a plan. Work with each of your employees to tailor their career progression plan and review it every six months.
So, there you have it. Five easily implementable, cost-effective and essential strategies that your company should be implementing to fix employee retention issues. If you are struggling with employee retention, then PushFar can help. Click here to get in touch and we will show you how.
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