How to Introduce Your Mentoring Program - in a Way That Gets Employees On Board
In this article, we’ll guide you through what it takes to make an engaging mentoring program introduction.

Running a mentoring program can be rewarding, but first impressions matter, so the way you introduce it has to be handled effectively if you want to bring people onboard and help them make the most of it.
There are lots of things you can do to achieve this, so keep reading and we’ll guide you through what it takes to make an engaging mentoring program introduction.
1. Make a Short Video to Introduce the Program
In today's digital age, creating a short video to introduce your mentoring program is an effective way of engaging employees and making a lasting impression. By showcasing the key aspects of the program through captivating visuals and concise explanations, you can quickly spark interest among potential participants.
Start by choosing high-quality free stock audio that resonates with your target audience and sets the right tone for your message. Incorporate dynamic visuals, such as animations or images of real-life mentor-mentee interactions, to bring the concept alive.
In addition, highlight important details like objectives, eligibility criteria, registration deadlines, or anything else that helps clarify what the program entails.
Remember to keep it concise and not exceed around 90 seconds in length for maximum impact. You want to pique their curiosity without overwhelming them with information.
If you’ve never created a video before, there are lots of free editing tools that are easy to use. It just takes some tinkering, or of course you could outsource this as a one-off project for a freelancer to handle.
Ultimately, a well-crafted video can leave employees feeling inspired and eager to learn more about how they could benefit from joining your mentoring program.
2. Highlight Key Benefits of Your Mentoring Program
Speaking of benefitting from your program, it's essential that you effectively communicate the perks of participating up top, as this will entice employees and increase their willingness to participate. Here are some key benefits worth including when discussing the program:
• Personal growth and career development: Emphasise how mentorship can lead to improved skills, increased knowledge, and a clearer understanding of their career goals.
• Networking opportunities: Explain how building connections within the organisation could open doors for potential collaborations or internal promotions.
• Encouragement and support: Mention that mentors provide valuable guidance, encouragement, and constructive feedback throughout all stages of one's professional journey.
• Enhanced job satisfaction: Share research demonstrating that employees who engage in mentoring often experience higher levels of job satisfaction.
By emphasising these advantages during discussions about the mentoring program, whether through presentations, written materials or conversations, you reinforce its value proposition to prospective participants. Once they perceive tangible benefits for themselves in it, they'll be more likely to join enthusiastically.
3. Share Success Stories and Testimonials from Former Participants
One of the most powerful ways to inspire employees and encourage them to join your mentoring program is by sharing real-life success stories and testimonials from those who have participated in the past. This provides tangible evidence of how individuals have benefited personally and professionally, while also exhibiting what a positive impact it has made on their career trajectories.
Gather quotes or short video clips that showcase participants' experiences with their mentors, as well as any accomplishments they've achieved due to this partnership. You can share these testimonials through various channels within your organisation, from internal newsletters and the company intranet to social media, or even during informational sessions about the program itself.
When showcasing relatable examples of colleagues thriving in their careers after taking part in the mentoring program, you will be offering compelling reasons for other employees to seriously consider getting involved as both mentees and mentors.
4. Offer an Informative Webinar or Workshop for Employees to Attend
Hosting a webinar or workshop can be extremely useful in further explaining the benefits and the inner workings of your mentoring program to potential participants, especially if you’re running the entire program virtually. These online events allow employees from various departments and locations to join, eliciting interest among diverse groups.
During these sessions, introduce key aspects of the program such as structure, duration, mentor-mentee matching process, outcomes they could expect, roles of mentors and mentees within this partnership along with addressing any anticipated questions or concerns.
Consider bringing in guest speakers like successful alumni from previous iterations of the program who can share their experiences firsthand. Encourage active participation by providing opportunities for attendees to ask questions directly to mentors or other members responsible for running the mentoring initiative.
Informative webinars and workshops must clarify objectives, address misconceptions and showcase the program’s true value. That way you're more likely to inspire employees to get on board with your organisation's mentoring program.
Key Takeaways
There are lots of ways to introduce your mentoring program and make it more appealing, and the best option is to combine all of the tips we’ve covered. That will bring people onboard comprehensively, and catalyse your program’s success.
If you want to learn more about organisational mentoring, book a free demonstration with a member of the PushFar team today.
This article was guest written by Jessica Perkins.
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