Mentoring Resources & Articles
The latest on mentoring guidelines, news and mentoring software updates from PushFar.
7 Fun Mentoring Activities You Need to Try During Your Next Meeting
Mentoring is more than an informal conversation every time you meet, it's about creating a trustful connection that blossoms over time. That's why having a distinguished relationship with your mentee is a must if you want them to truly succeed. Mentoring is beneficial for mentors and mentees, with both learning and developing together on a journey. At the beginning of a relationship, including mentoring, we frequently struggle with what to say and how to spend our time together. This is particularly relatable to learning and development relationships, where it's vital to keep an engaging environment going.
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Mentoring Statistics in 2024: Everything You Need to Know
Having a mentoring relationship is often noted as being one of the most beneficial things you can do for your career and personal development. Whether you want a mentor to progress in your career or are someone who struggles with soft skills, a mentor is there to help you develop on your journey.
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6 Common Challenges When Initiating a Mentoring Programme
Learn about the importance of mentoring as well as 6 common challenges when initiating a mentoring programme and how to overcome them.
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Most Recent Articles
The Importance of Career Counselling
Career counselling is a process that helps individuals identify and explore career options, make informed decisions about their future, and develop strategies to achieve their goals. It can be helpful at any stage of life, but it is especially beneficial for young people who are just starting out in their careers.
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How to Run a Sponsorship Program for Employees
One of the popular ways organisations across the world are supporting employee development is through the implementation of an employee sponsorship program. Don’t know what that is? You’re just in luck. Throughout this article, we will be explaining what a sponsorship program is, the value it can bring to your organisation and how you can run one.
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The Importance of Mentoring for University Students
Being a student is hard work, there's no denying that. But mentoring provides them with the support they need to go forward in their academic journey, giving them the motivation they need to reach their full potential. Throughout this article, we will be discussing the types of mentoring that can be used with your students and the reasons why mentoring is important.
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Mentoring vs Sponsorship: What You Need to Know
You might have heard the terms “mentoring” and “sponsorship” before, but what do they mean? While they may seem similar and are comparable, they each offer diverse opportunities and benefits to you as an employee. Throughout this article, we discuss what each term means, the benefit of both mentoring and sponsorship and the differences between them.
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Why it Pays for Managers to Learn to be Coaches
As companies fight to retain and recruit employees in these times of the Great Resignation, it is worth delving into whether your organisation is pulling all its levers in terms of keeping your employees happy and engaged. Throughout this article, we discuss the differences between coaching vs managing, the benefits, and 3 tips you can implement today to start creating coaching leaders.
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The Importance of Corporate and Mentoring Events for Team Building
Corporate events can be anything from an office party to a company retreat. They are a great way to reward your employees for their hard work and to show them that you appreciate their efforts. Team-building activities help to foster a sense of camaraderie among your staff and can make them more likely to work together effectively.
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Mentoring Culture in the Workplace and How to Develop It
Having a mentoring culture within the workplace is integral to staff retention and development, your staff will feel supported and motivated in their role as well as being given the opportunity to develop their skills and move forward in their career. If you are wanting to develop a mentoring culture in your organisation, but are not sure where to start, read this article.
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