Mentoring Resources & Articles

The latest on mentoring guidelines, news and mentoring software updates from PushFar.

Our Resources

PushFar provides a wealth of mentoring, coaching and learning resources, alongside our software, to help both participants and program managers to make the most of mentoring and coaching programs. On our mentoring platform we also include training videos and regularly host mentoring training webinars.
Guidelines for Mentees

Mentee Guidelines

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Guidelines for Mentors

Mentor Guidelines

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The ultimate guide to mentoring

The Ultimate Guide

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The benefits of mentoring

Benefits of Mentoring

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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

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Most Recent Articles

This National Mentoring Day, Please Try Mentoring – For Your Own Sake!

Virtual Mentoring on National Mentoring Day
National Mentoring Day is an opportunity to find out more about mentoring, find your mentor, volunteer to mentor others and say thank you to those mentors who've helped you. Find out how you can get involved in mentoring now.
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Humanization at Work: A Sustainable Relationship Between People and Organisations

Humanization at Work
The humanization of organisations is an increasingly important trend and increasingly present in forward-thinking organisations, in line with market needs. Communication is one of the best ways to humanize an Organisation, as it connects people to a single goal
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The Key Principles of Building High-Performance Teams

A High-Performance Team
Teams. Whether a sports team, working team or group of entrepreneurs founding their next enterprise; all teams work in different ways. Every team has their own dynamic and, primarily, these dynamics are based on the inherent objectives and motivations, combined with aspects internal to a group and their environment
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8 Top Tips to Preparing for your Next Job Interview and the ‘Weakness’ Questions

A Virtual Video Call Job Interview
Anyone looking for a job knows how difficult it can be to expose strengths and weaknesses to a recruiter or employer. Leadership skills, ease of communication, perfectionism and anxiety all tend to appear frequently in responses, but they are by no means the key to opening a door in the increasingly disputed and competitive jobs market.
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Mentoring Software: The Ultimate Guide - What, Why & How it Works

PushFar's Mentoring Software
Mentoring. It has grown significantly in the last few years as a popular tool for individuals and organisations to develop and progress effectively, both professionally and personally. But what is it, what does mentoring software do and how does it all work?
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Discovering Your Talents – How and Why It’s Important

A Clean Desk with Drawing Pencils
At some point in life it is highly likely that you’ll be asked by someone (you might even be the one asking yourself), what you’re good at. This is a relatively common question, but for some, it can cause distress.
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The Benefits of Motivational Talks for Organisations

A Motivational Talk
Motivational talks can be incredibly powerful and resonate extremely well with individuals. That is probably a given. Yet, the art of communication in public speaking, as a tool for organisations to resolve emotional and organisational conflict is one
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How to Set Achievable Goals and Objectives

Goal Setting
Goal setting is an important process in life. It affects and impacts everything; from thinking about your ideal future and motivating yourself, to turning your vision of the future into reality. The goal-setting process can help you to get to where you want to go.
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Logical Reasoning, Professional Performance and How You Can Improve It

The Rubik's Cube for Logical Reasoning
Ahh, logic. Seems logical, right? Okay, we might have already lost you. Bear with us, this article contains a bit of history, some context, and a few ways in which you can improve your professional performance, with the power of logical reasoning
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Mentoring for Organisational Success: 4 Top Tips to Setting up Your Scheme

Mentoring in an Organisation
Mentoring is one of the single most effective ways to improve employee retention, engagement, cross-organisational knowledge sharing and assist with inclusion and diversity objectives too. So, simply put, mentoring is incredible! To find out more about what mentoring is and how you can get involved, check out our previous article
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