Mentoring Resources & Articles

The latest on mentoring guidelines, news and mentoring software updates from PushFar.

Our Resources

PushFar provides a wealth of mentoring, coaching and learning resources, alongside our software, to help both participants and program managers to make the most of mentoring and coaching programs. On our mentoring platform we also include training videos and regularly host mentoring training webinars.
Guidelines for Mentees

Mentee Guidelines

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Guidelines for Mentors

Mentor Guidelines

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The ultimate guide to mentoring

The Ultimate Guide

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The benefits of mentoring

Benefits of Mentoring

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Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

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Most Recent Articles

How Mentoring Can Help Your Workforce Engagement

Mentoring Employee Satisfaction
In a recent survey from Gallup, it was found that just 15% of the global workforce are engaged at work. That is a staggering 85% of the global workforce who are not enthusiastic about the work they are doing and who they are working for! If you are someone working in HR, recruitment, management or employee satisfaction
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Finding a New Job: The Ultimate Guide to Finding Jobs and Career Opportunities

Find Jobs
Job seeking. It’s something that almost all of us will have to do at some stage in our career. For most of us, we will go out and look for new jobs on several occasions throughout our professional lives. And it’s not uncommon for an individual to find themselves in a job and not really know exactly how they ended up in it either!
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Diversity Mentoring & Networking

Diversity Mentoring & Networking
Mentoring is a key part to both individual professional growth and also company and organisational growth too. When conducted the right way, mentoring can be an empowering experience for both the mentor and the mentee. Furthermore, it can have a profound affect on professional productivity and boost general employee satisfaction within a company or organisation
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How to Be a Professional Mentor

Find a Mentor
Mentoring is incredibly powerful. It can have a profound affect on people and the advice, support and guidance a mentor can offer is an invaluable resource to millions of people across the world and in a huge variety of situations, scenarios and environments. And yet, for a lot of professionals with a lot of knowledge, the idea of mentoring can be daunting
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Professional Mentoring

Being Mentored
Professional mentoring is the process by which an individual - usually either a student, recent graduate or working professional - guides or is guided by another professional. Aiding career progression; mentors can offer advice, support and assistance, with prior knowledge and experience in a wide-range of topics and scenarios. Mentoring can take place both internally, in the workplace
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When's the right time to leave your job and move to a new company?

Leaving a Job
Leaving a job and a company that you’ve been working for, no matter how long for, can always be tricky. The longer you’ve been working for a company, the harder it becomes. But as the career climate we’re in is promoting change and fresh-starts more than ever before, it’s now more important than ever to evaluate your position, the company you’re working for and where the best opportunities may lie
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Career Progression

Professional Career Progression
Career progression, quite simply put, is the process of climbing the ladder during your working life. Moving forward, being promoted, finding new challenges, new employers, new opportunities and getting the most out of your career. There are a huge number of aspects and elements that can contribute to successful and efficient career progression
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Professional Networking

Professional Networking
Networking. It’s a term that is thrown around a lot. We wanted to really delve into it and explore how professional and business networking, connecting and socialising can you in aid progression, mentoring, climbing the career ladder and getting to the next stage of your professional life. Networking, as defined in the dictionary
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What it's Like Working for a Startup

Working for a Startup
I've recently started working for PushFar and 6 months ago, had no idea I would be doing something like this. So, I want to break down what it's really like to work for a startup as someone who's had no prior experience as well as why I'm here
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Securing an Interview Without a CV - Less Obvious Routes to a Job

Secure First Job
Finding your first job can be tricky. There are often apparent obstacles and challenges in between your application, securing an interview and ultimately finding the role you are looking for. And certainly, this is not getting any easier. We are in an ever-increasing competitive careers marketplace but at the same time, the growth of technology and a whole host of exciting new roles are out there too
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